Industry Group releases first data and technology framework

Participating members of the Home Buying Selling Group representing the software, proptech, search provider, estate agency, and conveyancing sectors have today released the first public version of their Property Data Trust Framework and technology schemas.

The Property Data Trust Framework has been developed by a collaborative working group with the objective of creating the common language, data, and technology standards needed by industry and property data custodians to make upfront information available and sharable in a digital format.

The framework includes a free to use, open-source repository of JSON schemas which cover the key elements of an upfront information pack for customers and estate agents including the ‘Buyer and Seller Property Information’ (BASPI), material information for property listings as described by National Trading Standards, and early search flag indicators, all of which can then be shared with the seller’s conveyancer and other transaction participants such as potential buyers and mortgage lenders.

” With the biggest thanks to everyone who’s been part of my tech group for the last 18 months and especially to the volunteers who’ve worked tirelessly to create the UK’s first property data trust framework. ” Maria Harris, Chair OPDA

The BASPI and other upfront information components, developed by the upfront information working group of the HBSG, has been developed as a ‘single source of truth’ containing all the information required about a property when it is listed for sale and to empower customer transparency, user confidence, informed decision making and to reduce the current uncertainty, risks and stress experienced by customers and industry participants.

The technology standards generated when implementing the Property Data Trust Framework schemas ensure that property data is FAIR – findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable and is supported by trusted information on the provenance of that data. The common data dictionary and API specifications contained within the schemas also support the frictionless exchange of property data between software platforms and product or service providers


For more information please message us or for developers, please see our Github repository

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